Emotional Wellbeing and Your Career
Many people still feel that there is a stigma towards mental health problems in the work environment. Fear of being judged can stop employees from letting people know what they are going through. Here we address the topic of employee wellbeing, and how to best navigate this area as an employee and as a employer.
The typical assumption is that if a person suffers from a mental health issue, like anxiety or depression, they will be seen as someone who can’t work to the capacity of others who do not suffer. Despite The Equality Act of 2010 stating that it is illegal to discriminate against anyone with a mental health problem, many are still afraid of disclosing this in their workplace.
The physical and emotional symptoms resulting from a mental health condition can make working very difficult and this could result in the employee feeling very vulnerable and engaging in what are sometimes unhealthy coping strategies. This can lead to even more problems at work and at home. A study conducted by Simply Health highlighted that 56% of the UK working population feel that disclosing a mental health issue could hamper their career prospects. But not telling anyone can make things worse. By getting the right help as quickly as possible will mean that the employee has a chance to avoid ending up in a destructive negative cycle and can learn and engage in new healthier strategies which will often enable a quicker return to work or in some cases not needing time off at all.
What some companies are finding, is that caring for employee wellbeing, and giving support to people who suffer from mental health issues can provide a wealth of benefits that are not only for the people who are receiving the support. This can range from a rise in employee motivation and loyalty to less sick days taken.
With the rise in work place absences due to stress, if employees are just left to carry on and internalise their struggles, these absences are likely to continue to increase.
Speaking to your manager about your emotional health can be a daunting prospect but it can also be a huge relief. You may want to speak with your GP or a counsellor prior to this to discuss how you can broach the subject. At Talk in the Bay we have counsellors who are able to help you to do this. Please contact us on 029 20480596 or [email protected].
We are a well-established Cardiff based company offering help and training for employers and managers to learn to identify and recognise when an employee or member of their team may be suffering with a mental health issue. We offer a counselling service, and mindfulness workshops for local companies and their employees which can be tailored to meet the needs of both employer and employee.
Please contact Mandy Walsh on 07846972824 or email [email protected] for further information.