
Right now you are struggling with…

  • Using self-harm as a way to cope, but finding the relief it brings is only temporary.
  • A strong desire to hide your behaviour from others, leading to feelings of guilt and shame.
  • Intense feelings of sadness, anger, or frustration that feel overwhelming.
  • Feeling like you can’t talk to anyone about what you’re going through.
  • Persistent, critical thoughts about yourself that fuel the urge to self-harm.

You might be hoping to…

  • Be able to talk openly about your feelings and experiences without fear of judgment.
  • Find more effective and healthier ways to cope with emotional pain.
  • Develop a kinder, more compassionate view of yourself.
  • Experience more balanced emotions and fewer intense mood swings.

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By engaging in counselling for self-harm, we can work together to help you find potential improvements in these areas…

Before Therapy After Therapy
You often feel overwhelmed by intense emotions. You may learn to manage your emotions in healthier ways.
You feel a strong need to hide your behaviour from others. You might feel more comfortable being open about your struggles and seeking support.
You use self-harm as a temporary relief but feel the effects are short-lived. You may learn other ways of coping that don’t involve self-harm.

Are you ready to take the next step?

We offer both in-person and online counseling at Talk in the Bay. Our team of experienced therapists provides evidence-based support for a wide range of mental health challenges. We tailor our approach to meet your unique needs.

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